
How fast does the wind blow in a tornado?
Posted by: stormfront in Weather, tags: tornado, Weather, windTornado wind speeds are ranked using the Enhanced Fujita (EF) Scale. The speeds are as follows:
- EF0 65–85 mph (53.5% of all tornados)
- EF1 86–110 mph (31.6% of all tornados)
- EF2 111–135 mph (10.7% of all tornados)
- EF3 136–165 mph (3.4% of all tornados)
- EF4 166–200 mph (0.7% of all tornados)
- EF5 >200 mph (Less than 0.1% of all tornados)
The most recently recorded EF5 tornado occurred in Parkersburg, Iowa on May 25, 2008 and destroyed half of the town.